Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can an experience culture be designed? What would be the attributes? UX Mag post ~ Cynthia Thomas, Translator

A culture of excellence succeeds through design - thoughtful and appropriate design that becomes implicit in every conversation, every opportunity, every transaction and a key part of every employee's toolkit for success. The attributes of action orientation over process, problem-solving over execution and collaborative and creative at the core are great building blocks for this design.

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Can a Culture Be Designed?

The short answer: yes. This is the definition of culture:

The attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization.[*]

Attitudes and behaviors are constantly being shaped within organizations. It's the reason there are performance reviews, processes and procedures, and role expectations. If business leaders want to foster a specific culture, then all opportunities, activities, and expectations of their staffs will be measured against the success of exemplifying that culture. To design is to plan something for a specific role, purpose, or effect—to work out its form. Company culture is designed in every conversation, and in every bit of feedback and evaluation criteria. It's possible to control the corporate atmosphere by choosing which behaviors to support and encourage, and which to discourage. Cultures grow organically, but they are actively designed.

In today's world, customers expect companies to focus on experience. In order to meet that expectation, a company's UX and CX efforts cannot be isolated in a single department, or in one or two positions. The experiences that resonate and are successful for customers are those that are seamless across all touchpoints; experiences should seem to originate from the whole company, not just from whichever department they sprung from within an organization. Companie cannot lean on the experiences customers have with the "customer satisfaction team" and call it a day. Every role within an organization should work together and towards the vision of how the brand interacts with its customers.

So what are the attributes of an experience-driven culture? While the subject is still evolving, I believe there are three core attributes of a experience-focused culture:

Action, not process-oriented
Problem solving, not execution-focused
Creativity and collaboration at the core

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