Friday, June 11, 2010

Design can change the world


Emily Pilloton and Matt Miller of Project H Design, with road dog Junebug

Some called us crazy. Others called us traveling trailer trash, visionaries, or just designers with A.D.D. who don't know how to sit still. But when my Project H partner-in-crime Matt Miller and I hit the road in a pink-stripe-clad Airstream trailer on February 1, leaving my home town of San Francisco for the 75-day, 36-stop Design Revolution Road Show, we set out with one thing in mind: to bring design that makes a difference to the doorsteps of average citizens and students. We wanted to inspire change, prove what is possible, and hopefully not kill each other along the way. Yes, the idea came about as a sort of renegade book tour for my then-recently-published Design Revolution: 100 Products that Empower People, but amidst our shoestring planning, our ambitions got the best of us, transforming the tour into a roving exhibition of products, a lecture and workshop series, and general rabble-rousing escapade.

Crazy designers on an awesome road trip!

Posted via web from bitpakkit

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