UI Patterns is a self-proclaimed growing collection of User Interface Patterns that someone has started collecting from web sites (and a few applications). This anonymous developer has begun collecting under the following subheads.

Fat Footers - is an emerging design trend ultimately a pattern?

Forms - one could argue that Login is a pattern and just one example of a form.

Headers - is header a pattern?

Input Feedback - very useful and not widely enough adopted. Is it a sub-pattern of form or input dialogue?

Input Prompt - see above.

Pagination - sub pattern of navigation or an expression of the navigation pattern?

Search Filter - there's a good discussion going on IXDA about best practices in preserving filter selections. There are variations on this one for sure.

Search Suggestions - I think this is 'auto-complete'

Select All - interesting.

Tabs - I have also tagged tabular organization as a pattern in the paper I am working on.
This is interesting. My rough plan is to collect the collections here while writing the paper on patterns of interaction I am working on with some colleagues.
This is interesting. My rough plan is to collect the collections here while writing the paper on patterns of interaction I am working on with some colleagues.
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