In case you missed the news on January 12, Adobe is now offering Adobe LiveCycle ES Developer Express. This is Adobe's first (but not last) major foray into the world of enterprise cloud computing. The LC ES Developer Express software is a full version of Adobe LiveCycle ES that is hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud computing environment and provides a virtual, self-contained development environment where enterprise developers can prototype, develop, and test LiveCycle applications
Feature set?
- Provides pre-installed, pre-configured virtual instances of LiveCycle ES.
- Reduce time required to download, install, and boot new server instances.
- Develop LC ES applications in a fraction of the time.
- Virtual instances can be used to build proof-of-concepts
The base installation provides the following LiveCycle ES server applications pre-installed:
- LiveCycle Forms ES
- LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES
- LiveCycle Rights Management ES
- LiveCycle Barcoded Forms ES
- LiveCycle Digital Certificate ES
- LiveCycle Output ES
- LiveCycle Process Management ES
- LiveCycle Content Services ES
- LiveCycle PDF Generator ES

Once you get an instance up and running, it appears to be virtually running on localhost:8080. There is a small download called LiveCycle Developer Express (shown below), which then allows you to log in to the instance running in the cloud.

From here you can browse all running services on the instance:

or manage endpoints:

The service, available to all members of the Adobe Enterprise Developer Program, allows developers to bullet-proof their applications without having to invest in a development environment or test lab. I will be unveiling more on a future episode of Duane's World when we get into SOA and ESB cloud architecture.
UPDATE: There is now a full video tutorial posted on how to work with the cloud offering here:

- Author: Duane "Chaos" Nickull (pictured) is an Adobe employee and lifelong musician, cynic, traveler, athlete, author and first class antagonist.
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